Based in Staffordshire, UK
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You're working at the airport and the day seems to be going well, when suddenly you spot something out of the corner of your eye! It that a... drone? Panic ensues! You don't want your airport shut down, so you come up with a cunning plan. You'll get your own drone out, duct-tape a stun gun to the top of it and take out those rogue drones!
Suggested during a 2018 Christmas party - the game idea stems from the TV and newspaper coverage of the shutdowns at UK airports over the busy festive period. So, why not make a topical game about it? First public showing at EGX Rezzed 2019 – exhibited in the Tentacle Collective as prototype. Mentioned in our talk "Adventures in interactive streaming – a developer’s tale" at Rezzed 05/04/2019
- Defend your airspace: duct tape a stun gun to a drone and zap the invaders
- Handles just like a real drone (ie unpredictably!)
- Customised newspaper headlines when game over
- Interactive stream support – streamers can allow their audience to trigger effects in the live game (eg unexpected crosswinds, radio interference)
- Stream interactions rewarded via personalised shoutouts in game
Trailer - November 2020 YouTube
Logo & Icon
Selected Articles
- "Rogue Drones in the early stages of development, but already looks have a good sense of humor [...] If the concept alone was enough to give us a chuckle, we hope the full release will offer a good laugh when it arrives this year."
- AllGamers, AllGamers.com - "I like the integration with services such as Twitch and Mixer. It's a fun idea and will hopefully be popular with the personalities that like to involve their viewers as much as possible."
- Olly Writes, ollywrites.co.uk
Additional Links
Rogue Drones on Twitter
Official Twitter account for Rogue Drones twitter.com/roguedrones.
Rogue Drones on Facebook
Official Facebook page for Rogue Drones facebook.com/roguedronesgame.
Breadmower's Twitch channel
Developer Twitch channel, where he streams alpha footage of the latest game updates twitch.tv/breadmower.
BobDuckNWeave's Mixer channel
BobDuckNWeave designed our logo and UI live on stream - find his Twitch channel here twitch.tv/BobDuckNWeave.
About Centrifuge
We're an indie microstudio in Newcastle-under-Lyme, and we make games (like Interference - the drawing game) and other fun interactive things (like Zeitgeist - the first live hosted interactive quiz on Mixer).
More information
More information on Centrifuge, our logo & relevant media are available here.
Rogue Drones Credits
Nathan Beardmore
Berni Williams
Writing / Social Media
Sarah Marie
QA / Community Management
Logo/UI Design
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks